
Sooooo, what do you do when you’re out of work, low on money, and forget to cancel the automatic payment for webhosting that you haven’t used for three years?

You start WRITING, of course … Again. You pretend you are Dory, (in “Finding Nemo”), and you — “Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing!” What else can you do?

This blog is called Distractifying! because that’s what I am. I bounce from one thing to another. I may bounce back again, or I may bounce yet again in a completely different direction. One never knows. It can be tedious. It can be an adventure. I pray for more adventure than tedium, for my sake as well as yours. I know this sounds a lot like the About section, but I’m just learning how to make this site work, and the learning curve is so very steep! Bear with me. I’m finally on the right track.

I hope you’ll follow me down this rabbit trail that is my mind as it comes through my pen. Yes, everything I write begins on paper with pen. Even that is Distractifying! as I write with all sorts of pens, including fountain pens, and in all sorts of colors, too! (You should see my journals!) But it’s the only way I can get the words out of my head. They get stuck in some sort of portal of doom that just circulates inside my brain and never find the exit ramp when I try to type.

I’ve been playing at being a writer for several years, now, even publishing a few short stories. People tell me that publishing, even a flash fiction piece, makes me a writer, even when I’m not producing. I tend to think — NOT!! A writer must write, to be a writer, Content must be produced, (even if it’s not terrific), no matter how Distractifying! it may be.

So, once again, I hope you will follow me on this journey. Together we will see just how far it will go. And just how Distractifying! it will get!